This afternoon, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released solicitations for its FY 2012 Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup and Revolving Loan Fund Grants. Full Requests for Proposals for each program can be found here and applications are due by November 28.
Brownfields Assessment Grants provide localities with funding to inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct planning (including area-wide planning, economic reuse planning and cleanup planning) and community involvement related to sites potentially contaminated by petroleum or hazardous substances (brownfield sites). Brownfields Cleanup Grants allow localities to fund cleanup activities at brownfield sites that are owned by the grant recipient. Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants provide funding that allows localities to capitalize a revolving fund and to make loans and provide subgrants to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites.
Although these guidelines are very similiar to those produced by EPA in FY 2011, long-time applicants should note that EPA has made one significant change to the Brownfield Cleanup Grant program. Now applicants for Cleanup Grants must prepare a draft Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives and make this document available for public review and comment no later than November 14.
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