Are you looking for federal funds to help you build a bike/pedestrian trail through your community or to make streetscape improvements on a major boulevard? If so, join us on October 23, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EDT, when The Ferguson Group and its co-sponsors, the National Recreation and Park Association and the National Association of Towns and Townships, will host a webinar on the new Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). The webinar’s guest speaker will be Christopher Douwes, the Trails and Enhancements Program Manager at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
The recently-enacted MAP-21 surface transportation law rebranded the Transportation Enhancements Program as the TAP Program, and bundled TAP with the Recreational Trails Program, Safe-Routes-to-School and a new category of boulevards and other roadways largely in the right-of-way of former Interstate routes or divided highways. Fifty percent of the TAP funding will be disbursed by competitive grants. If you have more than 200,000 in population, your MPO will distribute funds through a competitive grant program for local community projects in the MPO area. If you have less than 200,000 in population (but more than 5,000), you will compete for TAP funds in a state-run grant program.
You can learn more about this and other important aspects of the TAP program by joining us on the webinar. To register, please follow this link.
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