Every Wednesday, the TFG Blog posts a series of articles published over the previous week that discusses topics of interest to local governments. Learn about emerging trends and keep up on key policy issues by browsing the TFG Wednesday News Roundup!
Redesigning the Suburbs
As suburban living declines in popularity, local government leaders are looking at “greyfield” sites left behind – the abandoned strip malls, empty parking lots and vacant office buildings – as potential community assets. Some worry that if major changes to development procedures in suburban areas aren’t made, already sprawling cities could become megalopolis’ in coming decades. Read More...
The ABC’s of the P3 Model
America’s infrastructure deficit problem needs fixing. Municipal bonds are an antiquated method for raising capital that only solves part of the problem. Could P3’s be the answer? Here are the basics you need to know. Read More...
Groups Sue EPA for Failing to Make Polluters Pay
Seven environmental advocacy groups have filed a lawsuit against the EPA for failing to issue key rules mandated under the Superfund Act. These rules, the groups argue, would help prevent major spills of hazardous substances. “These rules would also make sure polluters pay to clean up their own messes, instead of skipping town and leaving the cost to the public,” the group said. Read More...
Can You Fight Poverty by Paying Kids to Go to School?
Memphis, TN is testing a poverty program that provides cash incentives to poor parents and their high school-age children for completing tasks that seem second nature to a middle-class family, but may make a big different in fighting poverty in low-income households. For example, a student who earns an acceptable school attendance record gets $40 a month. The reward system, modeled on similar programs in Mexico, Brazil, and Indonesia, is enthusiastically embraced internationally. America is just starting to catch on. Read More...
Report Examines Income Gaps Across Metro Areas
A report published Monday by the U.S. Conference of Mayors analyzes income inequality around America’s metro areas. In addition to findings that conclude income inequality has accelerated as a result of the recession, the analysis projects further inequality in the coming years, calling it a “structural feature of the 21st century economy.” Read More...
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