The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is reopening a nationwide survey that it will use to compile a list of surface transportation projects that qualify for the Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) program, that is, those that would significantly improve highway system performance, generate national economic benefits, reduce long term congestion, and improve transportation safety. MAP-21, the 2012 transportation authorization bill, authorized $500 million for the PNRS program, although no funds have actually been appropriated, and requires DOT to submit a report to Congress that lists eligible projects and makes funding recommendations.
The PNRS survey was originally open in June, but because FHWA received so few submissions – only 27 states responded – it announced in the Federal Register today that it will reopen the survey until November 17th. That’s 45 days to prepare your submission, including a project description, cost information and financial commitments, and how the project meets the national and regional significance criteria. FHWA has also relaxed the applicant eligibility requirements. In the first round, only state departments of transportation, tribal organizations, and transit agencies could submit a project; but for this round, the survey is open to cities, counties, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), seaport authorities, railroads, coalitions of local governments, and economic development organizations that have responsibility for planning or implementing infrastructure projects.
Already Submitted a Project?
If your transportation project was already submitted to the Federal Highway Administration during the first survey period, then you won’t need to submit it again. However, this is a chance to review your application and make any changes or submit any additional supporting documentation you might want to.
If you’ve got a big transportation project that you’d like to get noticed, then check out the announcement and the survey. And we do mean big by the way: eligible PNRS projects must be at least 50% of their state’s total highway assistance funds apportionment, viewable here, or $500 million, whichever is smaller. FHWA is also holding an informational webinar on October 6th.